Treatment Options
At Kids Dental Experts, we realize that having dental treatment completed can sometimes feel overwhelming for children. We have multiple treatment options to offer that will help ease this fear as we want to make sure that every appointment is one your child looks forward to. At the exam appointment, our doctor will evaluate your child’s dental needs and together you can discuss which treatment option is the best path for your child. Treatment is not completed that same day. Some things that factor in to determining which treatment option may be best are the extent of the dental work that needs to be done, the ability of your child to remain still for the duration of the appointment, and making sure they are as comfortable as possible so that our dental office remains a happy place for them!
Tooth Colored Fillings
Tooth colored fillings are offered in our office to give your child’s front and back teeth the cosmetic appearance of natural teeth. We use the latest technology in materials and procedures, which ensures durability.
If a tooth has been broken, or weakened by a lot of decay or a large filling, a crown (or cap) can be fitted to strengthen it. Crowns are shaped like natural teeth. For teeth near the front of the mouth, crowns are usually made of metal or zirconia. Crowns on back teeth are made of metal.
Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous Oxide is what is commonly known as “laughing gas”. This treatment option will make your child more comfortable if they are a little nervous or slightly wiggly. This is an ideal choice for a child who requires minimally invasive dental treatment. There are no dietary restrictions ahead of the visit. This option allows the child to return back to school or regularly planned activities after the visit.
Oral Conscious Sedation
Oral Conscious Sedation is a treatment option that allows the child to remain awake for the dental appointment, but this drink typically dulls the senses so they are less aware of noises, smells, and feelings. Visits with oral conscious sedation will also utilize nitrous oxide. This can be a great treatment option for a child who is moderately nervous or who needs one or two visits of minimally invasive dental treatment. Dietary restrictions apply the morning of the visit. The child needs to remain home under adult supervision for the rest of the day after treatment is completed. If your child exhibits any signs of illness 24 hours prior to treatment, please call our office at (920) 592-8940.
General Anesthesia
General Anesthesia is an option that allows for all of the dental treatment needed to be completed in one visit while the child is safely sedated by an Anesthesiologist. This treatment option is ideal for a child who requires more extensive dental treatment, a child who will not tolerate an exam or x-rays, or a child that won’t be able to remain still for an extended amount of time. The dietary restrictions are determined by each anesthesiologist. We focus on providing all care in our office for the best experience but do see patients in a hospital outpatient setting when necessary. The child needs to remain home under supervision for the remainder of the day after treatment is completed.